Get Ready! On
April 14th, the Boys of
DAY26 will release their sophomore album entitled
FOREVER IN A DAY (not sure which picture above or below will adorn the album cover)! Wonder what that title is about? I have some questions for Puffy
P. Daddy, Diddy Puffy Combs, Sean John Puff Diddle ... 1) Ummm er rah, where is the leading single off the album that should've been in radio rotation at least 3 weeks now?? 2) What about the promotion and marketing?? Where's the music video, television performances, radio interviews??? I guess we'll have to wait FOREVER and a DAY before Diddy gets around to that! Let's just pray that DAY26 doesn't get the sophomore jinx (breaking up as a group) like their big sisters
DANITY KANE even though the
MTB4 Reality Series almost but confirms this for their future.
From the way Que's lil "sweetness" has been acting, it looks like Diddy set that second pic up to be cropped!!! (rolling neck like Que annnnd again)