Thursday, April 30, 2009
UPDATE:: Soooooooooo anxious.....
Surprise Surprise...looks as though Ginuwine is a faithful man, and is too "TURNT" off by Ms. LisaRaye and her antics!! The above song is supposedly dedicated to Ms. Newly Single because it has been alleged that she is the one who started the rumors about her and Mr. "Pony". In a previous interview with Jamie Brown of Sister 2 Sister; Ginuwine denied these allegations. has also reported that Lisa and Ginuwine had a recent phone conversation, and she asked him what he thought of the allegations...he was quite perturbed to say the least because it left a nasty taste in Mrs. Ginuwine's (Sole') mouth!! I don't know what to believe but I tell you one thing; do on to others as you want done on to you...and take a trip down memory lane LisaRaye because if my memory serves me correctly "Diamond" your man was snatched from you from that skinny Latin hoe Rocsi from 106&Park!! Where's ya Focus... because as sure as my fries are salted I would be worrying about my own man, and relationship (or lack there of) instead of trying to ruin someone else love connection?!!!
Your source D'Maine Truth and nothing but the truth.
Feels like I've been waiting a "Lifetime"!
So I'm having a bit of an insomniac night (so mad I'm up at 3:30 am!!), but upon perusing the web, I came across a new video for my man Maxwell!!!! I don't know bout you, but ever since I saw him blow up the spot on Al Green's tribute on the '08 BET Awards, I've been oh SO anxious for his CD to come out!!!! Well, it seems he finna satisfy me with THREE new Cd's. *angels trumpets play* Yes you heard right, the Black Summer's Night trilogy will be released over the next 3 years. His 1st installment, Black, will be in stores July 7Th and you know Miss Elle will be purchasing that!!!!!!!!!!! Stay tuned for the review!!!! Press HERE for more on MAXWELL!
Daily Dose....
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
PUSH IT Real Good!

Push: Precious Jones, and illiterate sixteen-year old, has up until now been invisible: invisible to the father who rapes her and the mother who batters her and to the authorities who dismiss her as just one more of Harlem's casualties. But when Precious, pregnant with a second child by her father, meets a determined and highly radical teacher, we follow her on a journey of education and enlightenment as Precious learns not only how to write about her life, but how to make it her own for the first time.
Now, who wouldn't want to read that?!!! A definite page turner and must read!! I finished this novel in no time...I must say it became difficult to read at times due to the content and style its written in (illiterate point of view) but once you got the gist of it the words just start to flow, Sapphire does provide captions in the hard to read places! After reading the book it actually makes me want to

Your source D'Maine Truth and nothing but the truth.
Bridge Over Troubled Water: Part 4
"Do you see that they electronically fatten you up?" C'Mon stare down and sinister smile to the camera!!! I LIVE...KK if ya'll ain't gettin' life I d*mn sure am!! I couldn't have picked a better journalist to cover this interview...because CLEARLY this CLEAR isn't phased by Mrs. Bobby Brown or her status, and is asking ALL the need to know questions!!!
Your Source D'Maine Truth and nothing but the truth!!
Daily Dose....
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Who in the Hell left the Gate Open: Celeb-reality Edition
I want you to turn to your neighbor, and tell them God loves you and I do too!
Yeah Bey, Talk Your Shhh...

Seems we aren't the only ones that love Beyonce! But, just in case any of you didn't know what the hell Sasha and her Fierce ass was talking about, Clutch magazine has taken the initiative to break down her lyrics in layman's terms. Here are just a few:
From Ego:
“I got every reason to feel like I’m that bitch.”
- Listen baby, there’s a million women in the universe, but they’re rotating around me at the center. Catch me on the cover of Vogue, or visit and check into my credentials.
From Diva:
“Where yo boss at?”
- I’m bilingual in mucho dinero and if you aren’t fluent in Mr. Benjamin, then I’d like to speak to someone who is. So I’m gon’ ask you again, where’s your boss at?
From Video Phone:
“Everything you saying sounding good to me, no need to convince me anymore.”
- Persistence is key, but Boo “You had me at hello.”
For the complete list of "Sasha Fiercesisms," click here!
Daily Dose....
Monday, April 27, 2009
Recession: I can do that too...

Rumor has it that Fantasia will also be having a reality show. I just don't have any info on it... NC stand up... but, we here at KK will try to keep you posted on that!
Daily Dose....
Bridge Over Troubled Water: Part 3
"Annnnnnnnd they also share the notoriety of his drug use" C'Mon Diane!!! "Are you a diagnosed Bi-Polar?" LMMFAO...I can't breathe I'm DWL over here!! This interview is sooooooooo d*mn funny!!! Crackheads have the most creative excuses "I tested for a cocaine-like substance that could be anything" OMG...shut up!! These two are CLASSIC!!!
Your source D'Maine Truth and nothing but the truth.
"You think you crazy, I'll show you crazy..."

Treat of the Week (Zodiac Edition)

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Daily Dose....
Pass Me the Kleenex

Sniff, sniff... now, I'm not really big on going to the movies, but I WILL be purchasing this film when it hits DVD. We've all seen the commercials, and it is currently in theaters, but just to remind you KK; from director Joe Wright, The Soloist, starring Jaime Foxx and Robert Downey Jr., tells the remarkable story of an unlikely friendship. between a homeless man and a Los Angeles Times journalist. I absolutely love Jamie's movies (well, not Booty Call, but his serious rolls). He is a great actor and I can sense an Oscar nomination for this one!
For more information on the true story, please visit The Soloist. You can also listen to a sample of the real Mr. Ayers playing the cello. Go check it out!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Dead and Gone

I DEPEND on God and Motivation!
But as far as smoking, I LOVE (eyes roll upwards) to smoke! HA, you gotta love him!
Get into this track below! It's from his latest mixtape entitled Wayne's World 4.5 featuring
Bridge Over Troubled Water: Part 2
Laryngitis or Fired??? In the famous words of Jamie Foxx "She's not a crackhead, she just crackish!!" What a HORRIBLE liar she is??? LMAO Whitney is a HAM, but kudos to Diane for keeping her composure and asking the important want to know questions!!
Your source D'Maine Truth and nothing but the truth.
Daily Dose....
Friday, April 24, 2009
Just Say the Word

Gainsay \gayn-SAY; GAYN-say\, transitive verb:
1. To deny or dispute; to declare false or invalid.
2. To oppose; to contradict.
Gainsay comes from Middle English geinseien, from gein-, "against" (from Old English gegn-, gean-) + sayen, "to say," from Old English secgan.
Used in a sentence: But, owing to government's cynical policy of inaction, suppression and hoping the problem would go away, there was nothing to gainsay it either.
-- Mary Riddell, New Statesman, July 26, 1996
Daily Dose....
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Bridge Over Troubled Water: Part 1
Ahoy there KK'ers I hope ya'll don't mind taking this trip down memory lane with me..this has got to be one of the most funniest, ignant, shameful interviews I have ever witnessed; and still 'til this day I'm gettin' my LIFE!!! Ms. Houston was sho' nuff a HAM!!!
Stay tuned in to KK for parts 2-5.
Your source D'Maine Truth and nothing but the truth.
J to da MUAH!!!

Daily Dose....
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Beautiful LIAR....
I don't believe it Unt Unt Un... NOT FOR ONE HOT MINUTE!! What do ya'll think?? Please chime in below and or send and email to: Keyboard.Khronicles@gmailcom. *Singing* Hatas they gon' hate...
Your source D'Maine Truth and nothing but the truth.
Two Tickets Please!

Another KK favorite has announced her North American Tour! Keyshia Cole has revealed tour dates for her Spring-Summer tour, called “A Different Me” after her third studio album. I can’t wait for this concert because I have been blasting all three albums today! *singing* I changed my mind!!!
Accompanying KeyCo on the tour, will be Bobby V. and Ms. Keri Baby. The tour starts May 13th in Cincinnati. Click here for complete tour dates. My girl even has a map to get you there!
Speaking of Babies...

There must be something in the water…Oscar winning actress and singer, Jennifer Hudson, and fiancé, David Otunga, is reportedly expecting their first child. Sources close to the singer confirmed to Essence Magazine that the Ms. Effie and Punk (still laughing at that name) are delighted about the pregnancy! The couple has plans to wed once Jennifer’s tour with Robin Thicke wraps this summer. KK would like to congratulate Jenn and David on their blessing!
I like the way you do that RIGHT THURR....?!?
BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...C'Mon Chingaling on the Dingaling!! SMH...I guess he found out what was in "Dem Jeans" one night at the "Holidae In" !!!! D*mn shim went in hard on Chingy. OH boi if this is true his career is over, well wait a min it already is over, but I guess we can't foresee a comeback with this surfacing.
Your source D'Maine Truth and nothing but the truth.
We gettin' Arab Money.....
There has been a lot of controversy going on recently about Rubina Ali, the pint sized child star from the Oscar Award winning movie, Slumdog millionaire. First a British reporter revealed that Rubina’s father tried to sell her for $400,000 which the father denied and now her mother and stepmother get into a brawl in Mumbai. I personally didn't watch the movie (sumthin' about a bunch of Middle Easterners dancing and sangin' just reminded me of the 3rd Cheetah Girls installment, and I so wasn't around for it) but apparently I just may have to put my differences aside and tune in. This niddle hoe must have did a stellar job if she got grown a*s men and woman acting a fool. Sidebar: I know my nose will be turned up the ENTIRE time I'm watching...them people and they hygiene just don't sit well with me, so I can only imagine the aroma was heightened due to all the sangin' and dancing!! *Gasping* Either way talk about trying to monopolize on your pickney...SMH.
Your source D'Maine Truth and nothing but the truth.
Daily Dose....
Recession: Desperate Times call for...
Congrats Mama Jilly!!!!

I hear a hip, hip hip hooray is in order for my fav songstress Jill Scott and her fiance drummer Lil John Roberts!!! According to, lil baby boy Roberts was born on April 20th, weighing in at 7 lbs 8 oz & 20 inches long. Also, momma and baby are doing fine. Aww, I know the niddle baby is probably sooo ka-yute!! Can't wait to see the flicks!
Now I just need to see when my wedding invitation comes in the mail so that the clan can be complete!
From one mother to another, enjoy your blessing Jill!!!!!!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
And I am Tellin You!
Open Pandora's Box

The Skinny: Type in your artist’s name and it plays that genre of music for hours!!! I was doing a mean two step behind my desk!! Not only does it play today’s hits but with a click of the next button, it will shuffle to the old school jams right on in! You gotta love it!
You can create an account, which allows you the privilege of creating your own stations, or you can just search by artist. And for my fellow "gubment" employees, I suggest you Google PANDORA instead of typing her link directly into the browser <-for some reason, they haven’t gotten around that, yet but until they do, easy listening!
Word on the Street

Keeping ourselves and our fellow KK'ers educated is very important to me(and you can clearly see where I got the idea from)! With that being said ,the word of the day is:
Peccadillo \peck-uh-DIL-oh\, noun: A slight offense; a petty fault.
Peccadillo comes from Spanish pecadillo, "little sin," diminutive of pecado, "sin," from Latin peccatum, from peccare, "to make a mistake, to err, to sin." It is related to impeccable, "without flaw or fault."
Used in a sentence: "Don't judge unless you be judged, besides, everybody has their peccadilloes."
Shake Ya Bum Bum....
I must admit I haven't been following this show like I said I would but this clip just solidified why I should tune in more often. Lil'Kim ain't playing!! She did that, and WELL might I add!! Also, she is looking great as well her face and make-up isn't all distorted and crazy looking. But for some reason when she isn't rapping or in the "hood" Kimberly appears and "Lil' Kim" is non-existent!! Either way I ain't mad at ya thing ma, and go for the victorious, NOTORIOUS win!!!
Your source D'Maine Truth and nothing but the truth.
Daily Dose....

"Come live with me and be my Love, And we will all the pleasures prove That hills and valleys, dale and field, And all the craggy mountains yield. There will we sit upon the rocks And see the shepherds feed their flocks, By shallow rivers, to whose falls Melodious birds sing madrigals."
Christopher Marlowe
Your source D'Maine Truth and nothing but the truth.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Th-th-that that don't kill me, can only make me STRONGER....
...the 2nd movie that came on right after was "Little Girl Lost: The Delimar Vera Story". This movie wasn't new to the network but was new to me it premiered back in August/08. C'Mon Mothers intuition!!...
Get into both these movies and they background stories, very touching and emotional.
Your source D'Maine Truth and nothing but the truth.
Daily Dose....
Chucktastic Cinemas presents: Plies TV Baaaaaybe! the proper word for this monstrosity Plies!! Never in all my days did I imagine that one I would see a midget stripping and two have it glorified by a "rapper" on his own television show!! I must say though it peeked my interest...I don't know why us as black folks don't mind watching other black folks make a complete fool out of themselves and our race on the Internet and/or TV. Either way its entertainment and keeps me putting fingers to keys!!
Your source D'Maine Truth and nothing but the truth.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Feeling the Love: Song of the Week
Okay, okay, I was on official KK business last week and I apologize for skipping last week's song, but I think you'll love this one...
So, I'm blasting The Love Experience for my Sunday morning clean up session, why wouldn't I choose, my boo, Raheem DeVaughn? Now, I'm sure you were thinking, "oh it's probably just gonna be You or Guess Who Loves You More" but nope, Is It Possible, is your official KK Love Song of the Week...
"4 Peas in my iPod" :: Boom Boom Pow
Who: Black Eyed Peas
What: First Single, Boom Boom Pow
When: Album, The E.N.D. (Energy Never Dies) slated to drop June 9th!
Where: Worldwide
Why: Cause you gotta get that, BOOM BOOM BOOOOOM!
Get into my play cousin, and his new cut (a layered effect)! See, he must've read my previous post on Reducing your Length in Stages!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
American Violet in theaters NOW!
This is definitely a MUST SEE! Check your local listings or to see when it's playing in your town! People, let's WAKE UP! Be informed about what is going on in our community!
So, it's like 4:15 am and my iPod is going OFF giving me a Danity Kane medley for some reason or another, both albums (even though it's supposedly shuffling over 1700 songs)! I realize that I have missed the Season Finale of MTB4 due to my strenuous work schedule (and my prediction that the final show wouldn't fulfill my dreams and bring all 5 original members back together and start work on their third studio release; reaching for the stars? I know) and haven't found time to watch it! Then I find this clip! UGH! I am teary-eyed watching it bc DK is a part of my life; hell, I LOVE these girls! Both of their albums hold special times in history for me. I can just remember playing their CD's sooo much and so many fun times I had blasting DK in the back. It is unfortunate because I really believe that these 5 girls were very talented and had a very unique place within the music industry! I must give my respects to Puffy bc honestly, when he picked them, I didn't see it! I wanted my girl Diamond ( I think that was her name, the thick girl with the great voice) to be in the group. None the less, D, Aubrey, Andrea, Shannon and Dawn became and embodied DANITY KANE and this group has a place in my heart that will only be filled with their reunion album or something equivalent. I hate that this happened to them and it really saddens me. Let's take a moment of silence for DANITY KANE!
"Kiss" me thru the phooooone!

Your source D'Maine Truth and nothing but the truth.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
KKNTM: ATLien MiChelle James

Monday, April 13, 2009
KK Poetry Lounge presents: Erykah Badu
This is truly one of the dopest performances that I have ever seen! I LOVE this! One time for E.B. (C'mon brought her own props too; get into the cut-up poster boards)!
Long live the KING!
Long hair, don't care - ANYMORE?

Seems as though the springtime is bringing about some changes! People are starting to let go of old habits and trends. I for one, like to keep things the same. I am a stickler for a routine and a certain normalcy or regularity, but hell, I'm about as anal and OCD as they come so don't mind me! I recently got a call from one of my life long friends asking me if he should cut his hair (his hair has been a niddle longer than shoulder length since I met him). Spring is upon us and everyone knows that Summer is making her way down the street, so with the heat about to rise up, there's no better time than now! But before you do decide to get rid of the braids and turn in the ponytail for a Caesar, Sir E has a few tips to help make the transition easier!

A painted MUG gathers no HATERS!

And that wonderful aroma would be the Coastal Scents website! This makeup site I personally love for getting my experiment on for cheap. They have sooo many colors and finishes that you can have a field day on there. If you love eye shadow color, but don't wanna spend a c-note on expensive azz brands *cough*MAC*cough*, I recommend the 88 eyeshadow palette.

It has just bout every shade known to man and is more convenient than having to buy 88 dang colors separately. I love "playing" in the palette cause I can let loose and a have a chance to create tons of color combinations and looks. (Some looks don't make it out the house but hey, I was having fun. LOL!) And the best part honey, it only runs you $21.95!! Even Chris Brown couldn't beat that!
Chucktastic Cinemas presents: Don't Pull It!
...'cuz my girl definitely was about to PUSH!!! Did you see the inner "G" come out of her?? girl was fresh from the club with an ill hangover...and expeditiously got sober!! She pulled off the coat, and started stretching baybee she was RET to Go!! What would you do in that situation?? Contact us at or leave a comment below.
Your source D'Maine Truth and nothing but the truth.
Treat of the Week (Flipmode)

Please submit any suggestions for Treat of the Week to
This Week's Stranger :: One-Hit Wonder
Jerome Woods A.K.A. Rome went platinum and gold with this hit back in '97 "I Belong to you" was off his self titled debut album Rome. This "stranger" may not be a stranger N T more word on the streets is he is slated for a come back. Sixteen new tracks have been recorded but no release date has been set. Do ya'll think he can make it? *yells* HELL TO THE NAW!! My only question is WHERE ARE YOU NOW?? For the latest on this R&B crooner checkout his MySpace!!
Your source D'Maine Truth and nothing but the truth.
President's "PROGRESS" Report

Sunday, April 12, 2009
KK Poetry Lounge: The Premeire
I loves me a good poetry slam, so I wanna share with ya'll one of my favorite current poets. OK KK, put on your berets and allow your minds to be transformed to receive the musings of Thea Moynee...**snap snap snap**