Reported to the Associated Press: In this frame grab taken from Cable News Network (CNN) of a WBNG television broadcast, shows police carrying a wounded man on a stretcher on April 03, 2009 in Binghamton, New York. A gunman shot up to four people and took some 40 others hostage Friday in Binghamton, New York state, local media reported.
A gunman entered an immigration services center in downtown Binghamton today Friday April 3, 2009 and, shot at least four people and took as many as 41 hostage, according to media reports. For more details on this story click here.
See ish like this makes you NOT want to watch the news. Another person has lost their d*mn marbles!! What is it going to solve when you enter into a building and start killing innocent people? Now the question is, is this assailant going to go out like a "G" or be one of the many suckas and kill himself? IDK; we'll see. Either way SMH!!
Your source D'Maine Truth and nothing but the truth.
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