During both the NATO, EU and G-20 summits, President Obama was was able to get the last minute consensus of both the French and Chinese presidents over tax havens and financial regulations, while the Obama administration's Afghanistan review quickly became the center of attention.

In Strasbourg, France, the President held a campaign-style town hall meeting! His main concern here was closing Guantanamo Bay Prison declaring, "America does not torture!"
In Prague, Czech Republic, thousands showed up to hear his big nuclear policy speech, waving and cheering him on all the way.
Certainly, one of the most cheerful times of this visit was when Obama was surrounded by the respect and admiration of Italy's Silvio Berlusconi and Russia's Dmitry Medvedev (pictured below).

President Obama's last stop was in Turkey, where his message was clear: "America is forging a new path to the Muslim world based on mutual respect and dignity, and that the old paradigm where all America's relationships were shaped by the "war on terror" is over...
All in all, I would say that his trip was a success and has put America back on track to being the dominant power-player that we once were but more importantly, garnering the respect of our nation.
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