Saturday, May 16, 2009

Must Read:: Choose Me

Bless me KK for I have sinned; its been a few days since my last confession. It took me forever and a day to read "Choose Me" by Xenia was sitting on my shelf collecting dust. I had to put my Swifter to work just to read the darn thing!! N T Who...this book is very inspirational and uplifting. Since I'm in a confessing mood I must also add I wasn't to pressed to read it because it talks a lot about religion and the main character "Eva" is celibate. Two things that are not a consistent effort in my life!

From the inside cover: Two people. Two voices. Two unforgettable walks along life's most difficult roads. And two hearts struggling to understand God's divine plane--and the blessing of love...

Eva: "I've survived Mr. Not-Right, Mr. All-Wrong, and Mr. No-Way. I've had one bad marriage and had to raise my sons on my own. It took me a long time to learn how to be independent and find out who I was. I became celibate to clear my head and to get back to what I thought God would want me to do with my life. And I was through with romance unless I found a good Christian man (and I wasn't gong to count on that happening any time soon...if ever). But I didn't expect someone like Adam, a social worker committed to the community and spreading the Word through his poetry. He's also a man struggling with an illness that almost killed him and shook his faith. And he is challenging me in ways inspiring and tempting--and I pray to God that I will have enough strength to find a way for us..."

Adam: "I'll admit it, I had let my Christian walk slide. No, let's be honest --I found my faith was not where it used to be. Then I got sick, and it took everything I had to hang on until my cancer went into remission. Suddenly, there were too may doubts, too many questions... too much unresolved anger. Eva has more than enough love to help me look to something beyond my strength and come to terms with my past. But we both have so much distrust--and so much to overcome. And I know we're going to need an extraordinary love and trust to walk through this thing together and into the blessing God has planned."

I don't consider myself to be very emotional but when a book can get my tear ducts to work overtime than its damn well written! I love the fact that not only did this book offer up inspiring scriptures from the Bible that related to real live situations. It also let you know that there is ALWAYS someone in a worst situation than you. Keep faith and you can and WILL get through it! I took a journey with Xenia Ruiz through: Love, Faith, Death, Tragedy, Infidelity, Sickness, Health, and the Will to carry on! This book was wonderfully written, and a definite staple on my bookshelf. I enjoyed it thoroughly!!

Your source D'Maine Truth and nothing but the truth.

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